Three Practical Guidelines on Managing Computer-Related Eye Strain

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Three Practical Guidelines on Managing Computer-Related Eye Strain

Computers are beneficial tools which contribute to high levels of productivity in the workplace. Unfortunately, the constant use of the screens can gradually compromise human vision. In general, most workers who need to use desktops, laptops and tablets experience eye strain at some point. This problem is characterised by discomfiting symptoms such as tired eyes, eye dryness, red eyes and eye twitching. Therefore, you should take precautions to prevent the development of such vision problems. Here are some guidelines on managing computer-related eye strain. 

Manage the Ambient Lighting

You should make some lighting improvements to your work environment to reduce eye strain. The presence of harsh light around the computer causes strain due to the clash of the intensities. Moreover, if the light around you is too bright, you will not be able to give your eyes short breaks. If the light in your workspace is coming from the sun, you should invest in drapes or blinds to control light filtration. You should also position your screen such that the windows are on your side. 

In simple terms, if the windows are in front, you will have to deal with the flow of sunlight directly to your eyes. If the windows are behind, there will be a harsh glare on the screen. You should also minimise the use of extremely bright interior light. Install fewer bulbs or use lower intensity lighting for a comfortable environment. If you have been dealing with constant glare on your screens and you cannot control external lighting, you should consider using a computer hood.

Upgrade Your Monitor

If you have an old-style computer screen, you should think about investing in a liquid crystal display flat screen. Old screens are made using cathode ray tube which flickers noticeably during operation. This issue can contribute significantly to computer eye strain. The same syndrome will occur even if the flicker is not perceptible. LCD screens do not have flicker problems, and you can choose a product with high resolution for a better visual experience. 

Change the Display Settings

Finally, you should make adjustments to your display settings. Numerous computer users experience vision problems because the display is not comfortable for their eyes. Adjust the brightness and make sure that the level matches the room lighting such that the screen is neither bright nor dull. Also, you should choose a font size for your optimal personal comfort. 

If you are already experiencing symptoms of computer vision syndrome, you should consult an eye specialist for comprehensive eye examination and treatment. 

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About Me

How an Optometrist Opened My Eyes Hello. My name is Kyle and this my new blog. I would like to tell you a story about my eyes. For many years, I thought I had perfect vision. However, last year my wife was pointing at something in the distance and talking about it and I realised that I couldn't quite make it out. My vision was blurry. I thought I must just be a bit tired so I forgot about it. However, a few weeks later, I noticed that it was happening again. I decided to contact an optometrist so I could have my eyes tested. The optometrist said I needed some glasses and made me a set of lenses.
